Home Inspection
The only way to verify what's going on with your potential investment.It may be the biggest investment you ever make. Be sure you know exactly what condition your new home is in before you buy.
Have you ever purchased a home and wondered what you might be missing? The lingering feeling that something is going to come back and bite you and you just don’t know what it is yet. Call it buyer’s remorse or just a normal part of the home purchase process, either way, wouldn’t it feel great to be totally confident instead of worried when the ‘other shoe will drop’?
With a full home inspection from Firehouse Home Inspections, we can help check another worry off your list by providing a detailed document outlining the current condition of every system in the home you’re looking to purchase.

If you’re ready to take another big step toward removing the worry from your home buying process, please purchase a Home Inspection with us.

Is Radon Really a Serious Problem?
Radon, a class A carcinogen, is a tasteless, odorless, colorless gas produced from decayed uranium in soil. One in every four homes in Kansas is estimated to have elevated radon levels, according to the Kansas Radon Program. The dangerous gas contributes to thousands...

What is the big deal with Federal Pacific Panels?
If potentially faulty electric equipment existed in your home that could case a fire, you would want to know about it. Real Danger The Federal Pacific Electric Stab-lok circuit breaker, a commonly installed electric panel component, was identified in the 1980s as a...